It took me roughly an hour and a half today, but I finally was able to sign up for all of my courses for second year, and at the times that I wanted them at. Phew. Last year it took me less than 10 minutes, so after waiting a half hour just to login to the system today I was starting to get pretty worried...

In completely unrelated news,
POTC was #2 at the box office last week, and it apparently fell from a less-than-usual amount from the first to the second spot. This week,
Pirates was #2 at the box office again, beating, strangely enough,
Tomb Raider 2 as well as
Seabiscuit (and huh, whaddya know --
Spy Kids 3D was #1). So all in all
POTC has been doing splendidly so far. I'm glad. :) My mom hasn't seen the movie yet, so once my work term is over, I'm going to go see it again with her. Will be good. Will be able to confirm definitively how much I actually like this movie. :)
Anyhow...will conclude with desperate plea for comments and/or feedback. Am needy. Don't make me beg. ;)